My Programs
Imagine Complete Health From A Qualified Health Professional.
Options for Everyone
It is remarkable how lifestyle plays an integral role in development and prevention of stress related symptoms. Advances in the brain and behavioral sciences are revealing what stressful emotions are, when they are beneficial or harmful and how we can effectively harness emotions to improve our health and wellbeing. In these unique programs, learn the role of stress in mood, sleep, nutrition, physical activity, and mind-body practices.
Working With Me
- Using your lifestyle as medicine, we will create a template for change.
- Examining nutrient deficiencies that can often mimic symptoms of depression, anxiety and low energy will allow for natural quick fixes to feeling better fast.
- We can get almost immediate relief from many emotional issues using nutrition alone.
- We will also look at the scientific benefits of mindfulness and meditation to improve your ability to regulate your emotions with self-awareness.
- Whether you are suffering from emotional issues, managing chronic pain, lowering blood sugar or fighting sugar cravings we can retrain your brain to automatically think differently. How great is that? We make the healthy choice the easy choice!
What to Expect
- Initial Free consultation.
- Individual programs for 8 weeks, 3 months, or a custom time with option for renewal.
- Collaboration with your current health practitioners while implementing new scientifically based therapies.
- In person and secure web-based sessions as needed.
- Sustainable aftercare plan.
- A balanced comprehensive plan for personal growth and wellness.

- Learn How Maladaptive Stress Affects the Brain and Body
- Manage Free-Floating Stress
- Understanding Cognitive Avoidance and Overcoming Worry Loops
- Distinguish Between Emotions, Moods, and Thoughts
- Become Skilled in the Ways That Emotions Benefit Psychological Health, Well-being and our Survival.
- Finally Calm the Stress Response
- Identify Emotions and Positive Expectations

- Clients completing this program will have all the benefits of the 8-Week program as well as:
- Understand the Ways That Positive Emotions Benefit Psychological Health, Well-being and Survival.
- Come to Know the Beneficial and Adverse Forms of Mood Regulation.
- Gain Knowledge in the Different Ways Emotions Can Be Regulated and Consequences for Our Psychological and Physical Health.
- Discover Our Emotions: What We Feel, Why We Feel, And How To Change Our Feelings
- Learn Brain-Based Therapies for Calming an Overactive Brain

- Do You Have an Overactive Brain? We Can Find Ways to Calm.
- Clients May Way to Learn How Psychological Stress, Expectations, Mood, Sleep, Physical Activity, and Nutrients Play an Important Role in Physical and Mental Health.
- Perhaps Discuss How Chronic Stress Affects Fatigue, Stress-Related Eating and the Immune System.
- Learn the Practice of Mindfulness. How Increasing Positive Expectation and Cognitive Reappraisal Can Protect the Brain Against the Toxic Effects of Stress.
- Understand How Maladaptive Thoughts are Linked to Anxiety, Anger or Sadness and How These Symptoms Can be Reframed Through Cognitive-Behavior Therapy.
- Training in the Practice of Mindfulness and Positive Psychology to Produce a Present-Centered, Non-Judgmental State That Increases Positive Emotions, Facilitates Sleep and Calms the Overactive Brain
- Gain Knowledge on How to Effectively Manage Cravings in All Forms.

If you’re not quite sure what program is best for you, we can spend an hour together–ask me anything you like! Some clients have discussed:
- Chronic Stress
- Realistic Worry and Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- Social Anxiety
- Thoughts That Keep Us Awake
- The Dark Side of Addictions
- Reducing Cravings
- Taming the Beast Within. The Difference Between Acute Stress and Anxiety
- Treating Thought Distortions with Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
- Mental Approaches to Improving Sleep
- Complementary Medicines and Exploration of Pharmacotherapy as needed
- Challenging Relationships and Conversations
- Stress-related automatic thoughts and Words that Reduce Anxietycu